Fats and Oils

What Is the Role of Fats and Oils?

Fat metabolism plays a vital role in human life. Each cell of a living organism contains a certain amount of fats, which is a necessary element of the normal course of biochemical processes. In recent years, oily food has become unpopular with many people who seek a healthy lifestyle.

Meanwhile, fats play an important role in human life – they are the main sources of energy. Even in a state of tranquility, a person needs fats that is why to completely abandon them foolishly. The most important part of fats is saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Do you want to know about the 4 important functions of fats? Then click here to find a lot of information about this.

A function of fats, like carbohydrates and proteins, belong to the most important and irreplaceable components of food. They are complex organic compounds consisting of two components: glycerol and fatty acids.

Energy Function

The energy value of fat is about 9.1 kcal/g, which makes fats the best source of energy for the body. For this reason, fats are deposited in the body in the form of fat deposits to create energy stores.

Protective Function

The fatty tissue, enveloping all fragile human organs, actually protects them from mechanical shocks and injuries, softening and amortizing the results of external influences.

Thermal Insulation Function

Due to extremely low thermal conductivity, fats are a remarkable insulator that keeps the body warm and protects it from overcooling.

Improving Skin Health Function

Promote elasticity and healthy skin appearance. It concerns not only fats because this is also a function of oils.

What Are The Symptoms Of Deficiency Of Fats?

There are some symptoms of deficiency of fats and oils. Such as deterioration of the skin, growth retardation and growth of the organism, oppression of reproductive function, cholesterol disturbance, a risk of atherosclerosis, negative effects on the functioning of the nervous system and the brain, decreased immunity, hormonal imbalance, and early aging.

What Are The Symptoms Of The Excess Of Fats?

Excess of the body fat leads to obesity – the primary problem of developed countries. In addition to increasing body weight, reducing mobility and deteriorating appearance, obesity adversely affects the cardiovascular system, worsens the composition and coagulation of the blood, increases the risk of stroke, and promotes the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and other diseases. Also, excess fat is a threat of damage to the liver, pancreas, the development of cancer, urolithiasis. So you need to be careful about consuming fats and oils. The excess consumption of these products can cause many serious problems.

There are many positive functions of fats and oil. But the most known and popular are four functions of fats: energy, protection, thermal insulation, improving skin health.

Besides, the function of oils and fats is so important because they take part in most metabolic processes in the body and perform the range of the most important functions.