smoking weed

Smoking Weed During Pregnancy Is Too Much Risky

According to the latest research, 2 to 5 percent of women are smoking marijuana during the pregnancy period. Naturally, weeds may help a mom-to-be with morning sickness. But on the other hand, the green express experts warn not to risk.

What do you need to know about marijuana and pregnancy? How it influences a fetus? All about the possible risks of smoking weeds are here.

Why Women Smoke Weed While Pregnant?

The common reason for marijuana use during pregnancy is the morning sickness. Almost half of the women consider it to be a significant fact. 92% of them said that it works. But who knows if they know how the thirty minutes relief may influence their baby.

Women are smoking weed while pregnant to relieve other pregnancy symptoms as well. It helps to get rid of sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, aches, and pains. Some of quick with child women used cannabis prior to pregnancy to treat medical conditions or just for fun. And now, they can’t help with the addiction.

The reasons for smoking weed during pregnancy are immense. But remember, that the weed and pregnancy combined are harmful to both women and their babies.

What Are The Side Effects Of Marijuana Use During Pregnancy?

Known as THC, marijuana’s active compound has a direct influence on a fetus. This compound crosses a mother’s placenta to get to her baby during pregnancy.

As a result, it increases the risk of complications during the pregnancy period. What is more, human research has shown horrifying statistics. Some of the babies born to women who used marijuana during their pregnancies display altered responses.

The potential effects include:

•    impaired fetal growth

• low birth weight and a small length

•    increased rates of premature birth

•    increased rates of stillbirths

•    potential neurodevelopmental issues

What Are The Side Effects Of Smoking Weed After A Baby Is Born?

The last one can be manifested by a number of behavioral problems that develop later in life. For instance, it affects children of different age groups.

In the age of 3-4 years, marijuana-exposed children suffer from deficits in memory, verbal skills, and visual and verbal reasoning. By the way, very often they are hyperactive and have difficulties in paying attention.

In school, those kids are more likely to show gaps in problem-solving skills. They have a poor memory and the ability to remain attentive. However, it is not easy to prove that weeds cause one or all of these effects. It is because of the fact that researchers cannot perform studies that control for other factors.

Of course, verbal skills, hyperactivity, and others may not be related to the marijuana-specific effects. It may be also caused by environmental factors that could be associated with a mother’s marijuana use.

Final Thoughts

Well, the factors leading to poor pregnancy outcomes and long-term neurodevelopmental effects are everywhere. They fall into our body with the water we drink, the food we eat, and even with the air, we breathe.

And bear in mind, it is vital for moms-to-be and their future babies to restrict marijuana use during pregnancy. It will ensure the greatest safety for your little one.