Strengthen Hair Follicles

How To Strengthen Hair Follicles?

Strong, shiny hair is the actual dream for many people. Even though genetics is crucial when it comes to hair strength and condition, we still have some options to enhance the appearance and health of the hair. Platelet Rich Plasma hair restoration at Cocoon Wellness Spa is a good way to strengthen hair without surgery or downtime – better hair growth is guaranteed. Today, we’ll discuss proven ways how to strengthen hair naturally.

How to strengthen hair follicles in a few steps

1. Vitamins are key

It is not a secret that hair requires particular nutrients and vitamins to maintain health. You risk encountering hair loss or related issues if you lack specific essential nutrients. Make sure your diet is rich in B vitamins (found in avocados, fish, and dairy products), C vitamins (contained in citruses and strawberries), Vitamin A (good sources are eggs, carrots, and spinach), Vitamin E (found in sunflower seeds and almonds), and iron (good sources involve red meat and lentils). As getting all the necessary nutrients from the foods might be challenging, consult your physician regarding oral supplements or vitamin drips.

2. Consider scalp massage

If you ask how to strengthen hair roots, you are in the right place. A good way to go is massaging your scalp to intensify the blood circulation in this area. As a result, your hair will become thicker and stronger over time once blood flow is increased to the hair follicles. Use your fingertips to pressure your scalp either on dry or wet hair, or opt for a scalp massager. After all, you can use a plastic comb, such as Tangle Teezer, to gently massage a scalp during combing.

3. Limit or give up using styling devices

Exposure to your hair to excess heat can result in hair weakening and damaging, which is inadvisable if you aim for stronger hair. It would be best to limit hair dryers and other styling tools to two or three times a week to let your hair recover. By the way, it will never hurt to apply a heat protectant product on your hair before drying or curling to minimize the harmful influence of the heat.

4. Replace a towel for hair after a shower

Another good option on how to strengthen your hair is using softer fabrics for your hair after washing. Once you rub your hair with a terry-cloth towel after a shower, you make the friction between the hair and towel and risk significant hair damage. Stick for replacing a standard terry-cloth towel with a microfiber towel or an old T-shirt. Soft fabrics won’t cause excess friction, resulting in minor damage to your hair. Moreover, it would help squeeze your hair after washing instead of rubbing it. Wrapping a T-shirt or a microfiber towel around your head can also help minimize wet hair damage.